Vasectomy Facts & Myths

How Does Vasectomy Work? Fact VS Fiction

To comprehend how a vasectomy works, it is important to grasp the basics of male reproductive anatomy.

Despite common assumptions about our understanding of human reproductive systems, many of us actually possess limited knowledge about how our bodies function.

Some individuals arrive at their vasectomy appointments believing they have only one vas deferens, some believe the vasectomy procedure is performed through the back of the scrotum, or the procedure immediately guarantees prevention of pregnancy.

To gain a better understanding of vasectomy, you should familiarize yourself with male reproductive anatomy and the normal function of this anatomy.

This knowledge will enable you to comprehend how a vasectomy prevents pregnancy. Additionally, it will help dispel common myths associated with the procedure, clarifying why these misconceptions are inaccurate.

Each section below expands to explain key areas of the male reproductive system.

Vasectomy Facts & Myths

Your testicles will not drop after vasectomy because the vas deferens do not support the testicles.

The scrotum is composed of skin, very thin layers of muscular tissue, and a very tough layer of connective tissue called fascia.

Each testicle is supported by it’s own connective tissue sac and this connective tissue is called fascia.

The scrotum is actually two smaller internal sacs within a single external sac of skin.

The smaller internal fascial sacs each contain, support, and protect a testicle. The thin muscular layer surrounds the fascial sacs and testicles and the muscular layer contracts or relaxes to raise or lower the scrotum to help regulate the internal temperature. The scrotum holds the testicles outside the body because human sperm require a temperature lower than body temperature for proper sperm production and development.

Testicular support is exclusively provided by the fascial sacs that surround each testicle and, to a lesser extent, the skin and muscle of the scrotum. The vas deferens (the tubes divided during a vasectomy) do not provide testicular support.

When you have a vasectomy you will not experience a drop in the testicles or an elongation of the scrotum because the main support structures of the testicles are not involved in a vasectomy procedure.

Myth vs Fact: After a vasectomy, your testicles will not drop, as the vas deferentia are not the main support for the testicles.

On the contrary, your sex life may be even better after having a vasectomy!

The blood vessels provide blood supply to the scrotal structures and provide nourishment to the sperm and hormone making cells in the epididymis and testicles. The blood vessels also absorb hormones produced by the testicles and transport these hormones to the rest of the body. The nerves are adjacent to the blood vessels and we can simply say the nerves provide the necessary feedback to let you know when your jewels are in harms way.

A vasectomy has minimal impact upon the blood vessels and the nerves of the scrotum. The scrotal nerves are mostly part of the visceral nervous system. The visceral nervous system is thought of as a primitive network of nerves that work very well to transmit sensation but are not smart enough to always help the brain localize where pain is coming from.

Although most of us know scrotal nerves transmit pain extremely well, these nerves are much easier to anesthetize with local anesthetic when compared to other types of nerves and this is why vasectomy can easily be performed under local anesthesia.

Myth vs Fact: After a vasectomy, sexual pleasure is not reduced, as the procedure does not involve the nerves or alter blood supply to the testicles. Studies suggest improved sexual satisfaction for both men and women after vasectomy due to the removal of pregnancy-related concerns.

After your vasectomy, your testosterone levels will be the same.

The testicles are responsible for producing testosterone. Testosterone is absorbed by the blood vessels and transported throughout the body by the circulatory system. The hormones produced by the testicles also help sperm development in the epididymis. Vasectomy does not change the production of hormones.

Myth vs Fact: After a vasectomy, sexual pleasure is not reduced, as the procedure does not involve the nerves or alter blood supply to the testicles. Studies suggest improved sexual satisfaction for both men and women after vasectomy due to the removal of pregnancy-related concerns.

The epididymis is the collection of small tubes on the outside of the testicles. The epididymis is where sperm are created. As sperm are made in the epididymis they move into the vas deferentia and up into the body. Hormones produced in the nearby testicles assist with sperm creation and maturation.

Myth vs Fact: Vasectomy does not stop sperm production in the epididymis. However, as time passes after the procedure, the epididymis may gradually produce fewer sperm directly due to the vasectomy. This is typically imperceptible and becomes relevant only if seeking a vasectomy reversal to restore fertility.

Your manhood is not defined by two intact vas deferens.

The vas deferens is the tube which connects the epididymis to the seminal vesicles inside of the body. There is usually one vas deferens tube that connects to each epididymis. Most men have two vas deferentia but some men can be born without a vas deferens on one or both sides.

As sperm are gradually produced they slowly travel up the vas deferentia and are stored inside the body in the seminal vesicles.

Vasectomy interrupts the transport of sperm. The vas deferens can best be thought of as the ‘transport highway for sperm’. Interruption of the vas deferens stops the transportation of sperm but does not alter or otherwise change the testicles’ production of hormones or the continued creation of sperm.

Myth vs Fact: After a vasectomy, most aspects of your reproductive system remain unaffected. Vasectomy solely blocks the tubes that allow sperm to travel up from the testicles. An analogy would be if a plumber shuts off the water supply to your house, your electricity, heating and air, and television will still function.

Seminal vesicles contribute fluid for sperm transport.

Each vas deferens becomes larger in the area underneath the bladder and just before the tubes enter into the prostate. This larger area is called the dilated ductus deferens and this is where sperm stage until they are released with ejaculation.

The seminal vesicles are important because these sacs produce fluid that nourishes sperm and helps sperm transport during ejaculation.
Each vas deferens and seminal vesicle joins with the prostate. Prostatic fluid also helps transport sperm during ejaculation. The fluid released by the prostate increases the motility (movement) of the sperm.

A vasectomy interrupts the transport of sperm to the seminal vesicle storage area. Even with a successful vasectomy live sperm will remain in the enlarged dilated portions on the vas deferens until they are released.

Failure to use a back up method during the first three months after vasectomy is the most common reason for pregnancy.

Myth vs Fact: Vasectomy is not instantly effective. While it immediately interrupts sperm transport, live sperm can still be stored in the seminal vesicles. Pregnancy remains possible until these sperm are cleared.

After vasectomy, the fluid volume will decrease by about 5% but most patients will never notice this slight reduction.

The seminal vesicles and the prostate together combine to secret over 95% of the fluid released during ejaculation. The volume of sperm in the ejaculate is very small (less than 5% of the total volume of the semen).

A comparable analogy would be to compare semen to coffee in a large cup. The coffee in the cup is comparable to the seminal fluid released during ejaculation. The sperm in the ejaculate add as much volume to the seminal fluid as would several packets of sugar when added to a large cup of coffee, which is essentially an unnoticeable amount of volume. We hated to use that analogy because you will probably never look at coffee again in the same way! The analogy is very accurate. Most patients will never notice any appreciable change in the volume of their seminal fluid.

After vasectomy some men may notice a slight change in the color of their semen because of the absence of sperm; however, the volume of the seminal fluid is only minimally decreased and usually not noticeable.

Myth vs Fact: Vasectomy does not decrease the volume of fluid during ejaculation, and it does not cause issues with your prostate.

Understanding Your Vasectomy Procedure!

During a vasectomy, an opening is made simultaneously in the skin and the thin muscular and fascial layer of the scrotum.

Each vas deferens is exposed, divided, and permanently closed. The ultimate aim of a vasectomy is to provide highly reliable, safe, and permanent birth control with minimal risk of complications and side effects.

The vasectomy procedure only causes permanent blockage of the vas deferens. Vasectomy will not make you less of a man, will not cause your testicles to drop, and will not decrease the strength of your orgasms or ability to have an erection.

Vasectomy prevents you from causing pregnancy. That is the only noticeable side effect for the vast majority of patients.

By comprehending how vasectomy works and dispelling common myths, you can make informed decisions regarding your reproductive health and family planning.

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Separating the Facts & Myths

MYTH #1:

My testicles will drop after my vasectomy!


No Your Testicles Will Not Drop

MYTH #2:

Sex will not be the same after vasectomy!


Your Sex Live May Be Even Better

MYTH #3:

After vasectomy my testosterone will drop!


Your Testosterone Levels Will Be The Same

MYTH #4:

After Vasectomy My Manhood Will Be Taken Away!


You Manhood Is Not Affected